
Company: Ohtaki is a true master. He builds his frames alone, with the finest attention to detail, from his small work shop in West Tokyo. He has been building frames for over 25 years, starting in response to his cycling buddies looking for good frames built locally in Tokyo. His workshop is adorned with classic French and Italian frames as Ohtaki is one of the few builders in Japan skilled enough to recreate the work on these bikes.

On his own bikes Ohtaki likes to keep it simple, often using long point lugs with suttle custom carvings and the signature fast back seat stay. Ohtaki is a true understated master builder and a overall nice guy!


Ordering an Ohtaki: Although Ohtaki is a NJS certified builder he takes pride in approaching every bike as a unique project. He can build any kind of frame but specialises in track and road frames. Ohtaki’s track frames are NJS stamped. Ohtaki mainly uses Tange or Kasei tubing. He can deliver custom lug work and brazing upon request. Ohtaki frames are painted in Japan, all finishes are possible with an upcharge for metallic


Please inquire for pricing and lead times.